Further to the governments’s announcement and rules regarding the further lockdown in England from 5th November to 2nd December, the club regrets that there will be no training sessions during the month of November.
We would love to be able to give members more details as this time and understand there may be questions regarding payments, online sessions, when training will resume etc. However, further information will be sent out to members when the Committee and Coaches have had the opportunity to formulate a plan.
We have survived one lockdown and we can certainly survive another hopefully shorter one. However, the club needs your support more than ever and we ask for everyone to do what they can to help keep our little club going strong. This can be done by a few simple ways:
Thank you in advance and fingers crossed we are all back bouncing as soon as possible.
Further to the government announcements and restrictions, we are happy to confirm that we are returning to training on Friday September 25th.
British Gymnastics have confirmed that our activity is able to return and we, as a club, have amended our procedures and carried out the necessary assessments in order to comply with the required safety considerations.
All of our members have been sent an update detailing any procedure changes in light of the current pandemic, and our specific COVID-19 Risk Assessment and Test & Trace policy can be found below (and on our Club Policies page .)
We look forward to seeing all of our members again and returning to the sport that we love!
ATC COVID-19 Risk Assessment | |
ATC Test & Trace Policy |
Due to the current guidelines, Alton Sports Centre have been unable to offer us our usual Thursday time-slot as they have had to move some of their fitness classes into the Sports Hall.
As a result, our Thursday evening session has moved to a Friday from 6:30pm – 8pm. While this move is on a temporary basis, there is, understandably, no fixed time until we are to move back. We apologies to those that this is inconvenient for.
We would like to wish coaches Eloise Fuller and Scott Plumridge the very best of luck as they head off to University this week.
Both Eloise and Scott have been long-term members of the club and they have developed into fantastic coaches. We will certainly miss them, and we have received some lovely comments from parents too:
Another of our members, Katherine George, has been with the club for over 12 years, and she has helped the club immensely over the years, and as a gymnast has won medals at national events and represented the regional squad on multiple occasions. She too is heading off to University.
Thanks to them all for their hard work and hope that they all have a great time at University, and hope to see them again in the future!
Thank you for your patience and we hope you are all staying safe and well. If you have been following our social media then you will have seen the update video from our Head Coach, Mike.
Alton Sports Centre have now announced that they are able to reopen. We are working hard behind the scenes to ensure that our Risk Assessments have been updated and on the changes required in order for our training sessions to run safely. Once this has all been completed we will update our members with when we are able to return to training again, and any changes to how our sessions will be running.
Our Zoom sessions have stopped for the time being, although if you have any suggestions for what you would like to see us run in the meantime then please don’t hesitate to get in contact.
We look forward to seeing you all again soon!
Thank you to everyone that has been joining us for our regular quiz and conditioning sessions. We hope that everyone has joined staying in touch with one another, as well as enjoying the sessions themselves.
As life is slowing coming out of full lockdown and people are using their time to gradually meet up with family and friends, it was decided that the quiz is to stop for the time being. Our members will all have received an email as we would like to continue this, but would like feedback as to how regular we should run these sessions. Please reply and let us know your thoughts.
As well as this, we are amending our Zoom conditioning sessions, which will now run on a Wednesday and Saturday at 4pm.
While we wait for the time we can return safely to our sport, it is so important for our gymnasts to keep fit, both physically and mentally. We urge all of our members to attend one of the sessions (family members are of course welcome too!). The activities vary considerably and are tailored to all levels and abilities.
We would especially like to extend our thanks to Stu, Kerry and Glenda, who have done a wonderful job with organising these sessions to keep our members engaged.
While obviously training is not able to currently take place and no timescales are yet available, we are continuing to post trivia, information, fitness activities and more on our social media channels (especially our Instagram and Facebook pages).
We love keeping in touch with all of our members and this includes club fitness sessions via Zoom every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at 4:00pm.
We have also maintained a fantastic family quiz via Zoom every Sunday at 4:30pm.
We appreciate how tough it is for many and we are always here should anyone wish to talk or keep in touch. We enjoy seeing so many people on our Zoom sessions and keeping both physically and mentally fit is so important, both for our recreational and competitive members, espeically for when our members are able to get back on the trampoline again.
For the time being, stay safe, and we wish you all the very best.
Due to last night’s announcement regarding school closures and advice earlier in the week about non-essential social contact, Alton Trampoline Club regrets the unavoidable decision to stop all training sessions with immediate effect. Based on guidance from the Government and British Gymnastics, we will determine whether we resume after Easter or at a later date.
We will update you when we know more and trust that you understand the reasoning behind the decision at this difficult time.
Many of our members will have questions regarding GoCardless payments and fees – please bear with us whilst we work through all these logistics.
Hoping you and all your families stay well.
Kindest regards
Alton Executive Committee
There was a magnificent result over the weekend as Federica Vazzana won a trophy at the BSGA National Schools Trampoline Finals!
Representing Alton College, Federica was competing in the Disability Cat 1 Novice Years 7-14 Girls group. She performed two excellent routines to finish in 3rd place, earning herself a deserving place on the podium and rewarded with a trophy for her performance.
It was a particularly competitive group, with over half of the competitors attempting somersaults in their routines. Federica’s excellent form and her skill in remaining in the centre of the trampoline throughout (scoring 10s and 9.9s for HD) scored her a grand total over 50, and just 0.05 off 2nd place, such was the closeness of the gymnasts in her group.
Federica’s Mum, Anne, who spent her Birthday supported her alongside Head Coach Mike, wanted to express her thanks to her coach James Acott too, and exclaimed how “proud we all are of her!”
ATC also had another member in the Finals, as Zaki took flight in the Intermediate Years 7-9 Boys group representing Eggar’s School. He had been working on harder routines, and successfully pulled them off, as he finished in a hugely respectable 7th place.
Zaki also formed part of the Eggar’s School Team, along with our very own Alex, and Ethan who competes with our friends at Alpha. The boys, who were a late entry to the event, did a great job representing their school, as they finished in 4th place. They also used the opportunity to impress their PE teacher, Mrs Jones, who was terrific in supporting them at the event.
With all the uncertainly surrounding the news and climate at the moment, this was a day filled with positivity and we are delighted and proud of our members and their performances and achievements, as we’re sure their schools are too. Well done to all!
The BSGA National Schools Trampoline Finals take place this coming weekend, and ATC members Federica and Zaki are both due to compete in their individual categories, representing Alton College and Eggar’s School respectively.
One of the teams have just withdrawn from the event, which has meant that the Intermediate Years 7-9 Boys Team from Eggar’s School, who were narrowly beaten to second place at Zonals, have been promoted to take their place in the Finals! The team consists of our members Zaki and Alex, along with Ethan from Alpha Trampoline Club.
Congratulations to all of them, and we would like to wish them all the very best of luck for the weekend!