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Bouncing aplenty at the ATC 2022 Intra-Club Championships

Following an imposed break due to the pandemic, our members did themselves proud as our Intra-Club Championships made a return.

The event was open to every member, whatever level they were. Our members responded brilliantly, with an excellent turnout that saw three-quarters of all members taking part. The support from parents, coaches and between members themselves was wonderful, with every single person showing off their routines and a huge selection of medals deservedly awarded.

The exciting climax of the competition saw our largest Synchronised group in the history of the event. The spectators were treated a wide range of ages and abilities, including our youngest pairing both at just 5 year-old, coaches, siblings, a GB gymnast, along with new and experienced members all showing their skills. Congratulations to Frankie and Jonty, who won the event by a narrow margin over sibling duos Scarlett and Alex, and Jasmine and Elliot.

Finally, while celebrating the outstanding achievements during the awards ceremony, we also presented our annual individual trophies for our most improved and highest scoring gymnasts. This year they were:

  • Most Improved Recreational Member: Ada
  • Most Improved Competitive Member: Alice R
  • Most Improved DMT: Reuben
  • Highest Trampoline Form Score of the Year: Natalia
  • Highest Form Score of the Day: Federica Vazzana

Thank you to everyone that attended the event, donated prizes, ran the raffle tables, coached and judged at the event. There are too many names to list everyone involved, but special mention to both Penny Wilson, our fundraising officer, and Kerry Wells, our competition organiser, for the work they put in towards the event. Our judges and marshalls, Anne Edward, Clare Wakely, Glenda Edwards, James Acott, Sylvia Comber, Rachel Jennings and Judy Plumridge, also gave their time all morning and of course we couldn’t run a competition without them, so thank you. The atmosphere was positive and electric, and we hope everyone had a wonderful time!

ATC Superstars compete in 2nd 2022 Southern Regional Competition

ATC superstars took part in the 2nd Southern regional competition of the year.

Some of our younger members, who were amazing at supporting one another!
Some of our younger members, who were amazing at supporting one another!

Eight of our gymnasts headed down to Eastleigh, and for half of them this was their first experience at a regional event. You couldn’t tell though, as from the moment each one of them stepped through the door they were greeted by teammates and there was a sense of enjoyment that exuded through them all.

In the Regional Level 1 category Alice scored fantastically, averaging over 7.5 for the execution of her exercises (or ‘routines’). She finished 6th overall and her score comfortably ensured she qualified for the Regional Team Qualifier event in July.

In Club Level 1, Imogen, Phoebe and Ada were all competing for the very first time. While there may have been an extra bounce or two, all can be incredibly proud of their performances and finished with huge smiles, as they completed all of their skills to finish in 10th, 13th and 14th respectively.

In Club Level 2 9-10 years, Gabriela and Alice returned to bounce following their successful performances in February. Once again both girls remained close to the centre of the trampoline throughout, with Gabriela finishing 4th and Alice in 5th.

Returning to compete at Club Level 3 were William and Oscar. Oscar had previously achieved the qualifying score to take part in July’s finals, and achieved 6th position this time. William had just missed out previously, and improved this time around to achieve the qualification score and earn himself a place on the podium with a 2nd place finish!

Thank you to coaches James, Sylvia and Scarlett for providing wonderful support on the competition floor, and to Mike, Sylvia and Rachel for judging and marshalling. Once again it was great to see some new faces at competitions and we are proud of everyone who competed! Well done!

Results – Trampoline & DMT Southern Regional Event 2 2022

Well done to Scarlett on Passing Coaching Course

Congratulations to Scarlett, who has successfully passed her Level 1 Trampoline Coach qualification!
Scarlett has been working on her logbook, as well as developing her skills and knowledge within the club for the past few months and we are delighted and proud that her hard work has paid off. She had both her logbook and her practical assessment successfully signed off and is now officially a qualified Level 1 Trampoline Coach.
Head Coach Mike said “It is well-deserved. Scarlett has worked incredibly hard and shown an excellent attitude. She has a great rapport with the children she works with and is developing into a fantastic coach!”

Younger members take centre stage as competitions return

Congratulations to all of our members, who took part in the first regional competition of the year. It felt wonderful to be back competing again, with this being our first event in over 2 years!

There have been changes in the past couple of years, as some of our older members have either moved up to compete at national level, or have gone off to University. We are now seeing some of younger members develop through and for all of our members taking part, this was their first experience at a regional competition, and they all handled the experience wonderfully!

In the Club Level 2 category, Natalia won bronze, finishing 3rd in an incredibly close 11-12yrs group. After both routines were completed, there was only a marginal difference between the scores of the three girls on the podium. With all scores around the 50.0 mark it was a high standard and Natalia can be delighted with the performance!

In the Women 9-10yrs Club Level 2 category, Alice and Gabriela were enthusiastic and supported each other, finishing 5th and 7th respectively.

We also had Oscar and William competing in the 11-12yrs Club Level 3 category. Both boys looked confident on the trampoline, which saw Oscar coming 2nd and achieving a place on the podium, with William close by, finishing 4th after performing an extra bounce.

There was amazing support on the day by parents, along with coaches Kerry, James and Mike, with special mention to another young member, Immie, who came along and supported her teammates throughout. Kerry said “They were superstars… very proud of them all”, while James congratulated everyone, “They all did fantastically well”.

In addition to their positions, Natalia, Oscar and Alice all achieved the qualifying score to enter the Club Finals in July, another great achievement from the day!

The next regional competition is in May, and we look forward to seeing the success and enjoyment from our new competitors inspire others, as we see the next generation of Alton members begin their competition pathway!

Results – Trampoline & DMT Southern Regional Event 1 2022

Happy New Year!

We’d like to wish everybody a wonderful and safe time celebrating the new year! Thank you to all of our incredible members, parents, coaches and committee for all of their wonderful support this year!

We hope everybody takes care and stays safe, and we look forward to seeing you all and continue helping people enjoy the sport in 2022!

Congratulations to Frankie on TeamGym Bronze at 2021 European Championships

We would like to pass on massive congratulations to our member, Frankie, and her teammates, as they represented Great Britain and finished in 3rd at the TeamGym European Championships in Portugal!

When she’s not training or coaching trampolining with us, Frankie trains and competes in TeamGym, with Bracknell Gymnastics Club, and was selected to be part of the GB Junior Women’s team. Over two days of competition, the medals weren’t guaranteed until the final skill of the day, and the reveal of the scores was followed by celebrations from the team and fans alike!
We’re always happy to celebrate the achievements of our members, even when they are not on the Trampoline or even necessarily through ourselves. This was an amazing and much deserved achievement for Frankie, her family, teammates and coaches (both GB and Bracknell)! We offer our congratulations to you all!!!

A full report on the event can be found on the British Gymnastics website, where you can also find further information about the gymnastics discipline of TeamGym.

WE ARE BACK! (Version 2)

Following changes to the government restrictions and confirmation from British Gymnastics we are able to return to training from Friday 23rd April!

Alton Sports Centre have confirmed that we still have our Friday, Saturday and Sunday slots (no update on a return to Thursdays yet until the Sports Centre are allowed to run their Fitness Bike group sessions back in their studio).

The additional safety procedures put in place back in September still apply. We have missed you all and can’t wait to once again return to the sport we all love!

Virtual Conditioning to stay fit in both Body and Mind

While the country remains in lockdown and we are unable to train on the Trampoline, we have started our online fitness and conditioning sessions again.

As we did before Christmas, we are running sessions over Zoom for all members (and families). All ages and abilities are welcome!

This time the sessions are being run by the ever-enthusiastic Stuart, and are running each Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 4:30pm – 5pm.

Those that have joined in so far have enjoyed it, and it’s been a nice way to keep it touch and to see many of our fantastic members! Log-in details have been sent to members by email. See you there!

ATC Christmas Quiz

A fun evening was had, with over 30 people joining us for our Christmas Zoom Quiz. Screens were filled with tinsel, hats, novelty glasses, one Santa costume and an array of Christmas jumpers as members put in so much effort to create an entertaining evening.

Thanks to Glenda, Kerry, and quizmaster Stu for arranging the event. We had everything from general knowledge to cracker jokes, and congratulations to “Polly’s Ark” for winning!

While we can’t see each in person, we love staying in touch with our amazing members, and we hope to keep organising activities until we return to training.

AGM 2020 – All Virtual

We will be holding our AGM on Thursday 26th November at 7pm.

This year, for obvious reasons, we aren’t able to run the event as a group get-together. Instead, we will be running this over Zoom.

What this does mean is that we can keep the event shorter than usual, and it will be easier for any of our members and parents to join in and get involved.

We have already sent out our committee reports to members by email. We will be looking to fill some of the places on our Exec Committee and sub-committee. In particular, our Club Secretary as Judy, who has done a wonderful job over the last few years, is stepping down. She is happy to assist whoever takes this over with the handover.

Our current committee is as follows:

  • Chairperson: Vicky Othen
  • Secretary: Judy Plumridge (stepping down)
  • Competition Secretaries: Anne Edward & Federica Vazzana
  • Treasurer: Sylvia Comber
  • Head Coach: Mike Wakely
  • Funding Officer: Andrew George (stepping down)
  • Welfare Officers: Stuart Sharpe, Sylvia Comber, Fi Gallagher
  • Publicity Offer: Angie Owens
  • Schools Liaison: Kerry Wells
  • Parent Liaison: VACANT
  • Health & Safety: Mike Wakely & Stuart Sharpe
  • Social Secretaries: Kerry Wells (stepping down) & Glenda Edwards
  • Member’s Reps: Federica Vazzana, Katherine George, Hattie Mitchell, Scarlett Othen & Lorna Plumridge
  • Website: Mike Wakely & James Acott